Hoy es un excelente lunes. Pues sucede que después de dos días de desconexión a internet, entro y resulta que dos queridas blogueras me otorgan el mismo premio ¡ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD! Que feliz se pone uno cuando le dan premios, ¿no? Irina de Que lío de Hilo me ha dado el premio e Irene del blog de Mr. Wool también. :) ¡Muchas gracias a las dos! Pasen por sus respectivos blogs y no se arrepentirán, en ambos encontrarán tejidos maravillosos.
Today is a lovely monday. After being away for two days, I come back to the internet this afernoona and realize two lovely bloggers gave me the same award the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD! It feels so good to recieve awards, doesn't it? Irina from the blog Que lio de hilo and Irene from the blog Mr. Wool were the kind bloggers. :) Thanks a lot to both of them!! Go check out their blogs and you wont regret it, you'll find wonderful crochet there.
Cuando te dan este premio tienes que:
When you recieve this award you have to:
- Make a list of the blogs you give the award to
- Contar 7 cosas de ti que la gente no sabe
-Write 7 things that readers dont know about you
- Dejar un comentario en el último post de los blogs que has seleccionado para darles la noticia
-Leave a comment on the last post of the blogs you chose to give them the good news
Bueno, sin duda se lo daría tanto a Que lio de hilo como a Mr. Wool, pero ya lo tienen así que se lo daré a
Well, I would definitely give it to Que lio de hilo and Mr. Wool, but they already have it so I'll pass the award on to:
¡Espero que les gusten sus blogs!
I hope you like their blogs!
Ahora, les cuento 7 cosas que no saben de mi:
Now I´ll tell you 7 things you probably don't know about me:
1. Estudié en un colegio alemán así que hablo el idioma desde los 4 años
I went to a german shool so I speak the language since I was 4.
2. Estudié durante 3 años arquitectura, y luego lo dejé porque no quería ser arquitecta.
I studied architecture for 3 years and then dropped out cause I didn't want to be an architect.
3. Aparte de ser tejedora obsesiva también soy artista visual
I'm also a visual artist (besides being an obsessive crocheter)
4. Estoy estudiando una especialización en arte contemporáneo.
I'm studing a minor in contemporary art
5. Ricardo, mi novio y compañero de la vida es 14 años mayor que yo.
Ricardo, my boyfriend and live partner is 14 years older than me.
6. Me rasco en momentos de tensión, y bueno, también en momentos de no-tensión, es un tic.
I get itchy and scratch when nervous, well, also when I'm not nervous, it's a tic.
7. He vivido en muchas casas diferentes, muchas.
I've lived in many different houses, many.
Bueno, eso es todo por hoy. ¡Gracias a Irina e Irene!
Well, that's it for today. Thanks to Irina and Irene!

Congratulations, Andrea, and also thanks a million - you are spoiling me! So you studied architecture and now you have an interest in art? My room mate Ana is exactly the same!
ReplyDeleteYour blog totally deserves it! I haven't been following for a long time but I've been enjoying your blog a lot since I got there :)
DeletePD.I think a lot of architects end up doing art, I've met quite a few.
Gracias caracola por este premio!
ReplyDeleteHa sido muy divertido participar.
Que bien! de eso se trata...:) Besos! Suerte en napoli!!
DeleteHow wonderful!!!!! thank you so so much, i am very honored. will pass the award on once i am back in Namibia :-)
ReplyDeletehugs to you and lots of love!
You're welcome Jutta, you know how much I enjoy your blog! :)
DeleteUn beso grande Andrea, te mereces éste y muchos más premios, besos!
ReplyDeleteGracias Irina, ustedes me consientes demasiado! :) Besotes!