Saturday, November 10, 2012

Más vale tarde..

Cómo dicen que más vale tarde que nunca, les muestro algunas fotos de la noche de muertos.
Today I want to show you some photos from day of the dead....They say better late than never.

Caminando por la noche en el centro de la ciudad...
Walking through downtown at night...

Como odio el flash, las fotos salieron con ese "efecto fantasma" que quedó perfecto con el feeling de la noche.
I hate flash so the photos got that ghostly look that fitted perfectly with the night's feeling.

En casa pusimos nuestro altar de muertos.
At home we did our own altar.

Lo dedicamos especialmente a mi tío abuelo Homero (que fue como mi abuelo).
We dedicated it to my great unlce Homero. (Who was like a grandfather to me).

¿Cómo celebran ustedes el día de los muertos si es que lo celebran en sus respectivos países, ciudades, etc? 
¿Do you celebrate day of the dead in your city, country, etc. and how?

Por cierto, ¡estoy contenta porque el lunes aparecí en un artículo de  los superyuppies! Además las chicas superyuppies y yo estamos forjando una linda relación y estaremos preparando una sorpresa para todas ustedes...
By the way, I'm happy because I got featured in a superyuppies article on monday! Besides, the superyuppie girls and I are building a lovely relationship and we're preparing a surprise together for all of you...

Las dejo pero vuelvo pronto, pronto.
I leave you now but will be back soon, very soon.

P.D. He estado recibiendo muchísimos comentarios spam en el blog últimamente. Odio la confirmación de palabras para los comentarios, por eso la quité pero no sé qué hacer ahora. ¿Han tenido éste problema también, qué hicieron?
PS. I'm getting lots of spam comments. I hate the word confirmation for comments but I don't know what to do. Have you had this problem before, what did you do?


  1. congratulations about you've been featured!!!! brava!!
    xxx alessandra

  2. Lovely! it is so great that you guys celebrate death like this! in germany, we always go to the cemeteries, but it is normally quite bleak. also always rains...
    reg. the spam comments, blogger doesn't publish them, they get put into a spam folder. so you can just delete them from there and from you inbox :-)

    1. I love the way we celebrate the dead too. :) Thank you for your advice on the spam comments, I delete them but they're a bit annoying as I get them in my e mail inbox first, then I always mark them as spam and delete them.

  3. It looks like you had a great time at noche de muertos, I love the pics! I had spam, too, but now I chose that only anyone with a registered user can comment

  4. Que lindas fotos.....
    Algumas muito aterradoras..... ;-)

    Por aqui não é assim tão "animado"!



Muchas gracias por dejar tu comentario, ¡que tengas un buen día!

Thank you for leaving your comment, have a nice day!
